PRRS monitoring
GFS takes a range of measures to ensure that PRRS is not suspected at its boar stations. The health concept is made up of measures before housing of the pigs in GFS stations and monitoring of the GFS boar stock. The PRRS monitoring programme includes an intensive examination schedule (monitoring measures) and certain acute measures. The monitoring measures start in the breeding barn and continue in the GFS quarantine and stations.
To be awarded a certification that PRRS is not suspected, GFS takes part in voluntary procedures for PRRS monitoring in swine stocks
. It has been developed by the Swine Health Services (SGDs) in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland and is mutually recognised. All blood sample results are passed on to the responsible SGD in good time every months. At half-yearly intervals, an SGD vet also visits the station and monitors boar health and biosecurity. If everything is okay, the certificate is extended by another six months.
Monitoring in PRRS control programme

- Boars are only purchased from PRRS-negative breeding barns or satellite barns
- Pre-testing in the farm of origin

- Regular blood samples are taken
- Max. 14 days before delivery of the boar:
- Blood sample

- 6-week quarantine period
- 2 quarantine tests:
- First quarantine test 3 to 5 days after the date of their arrival in quarantine
- Second quarantine test max. 7 days before the date of arrival in the station
PCR = virus test
ELISA = antibody test
The defined testing intervals and limits may differ from case to case.

- Measurement of body temperature at each semen collection

- With increased body temperature
- Blood sample

- Every 14 days samplings
- Every boar at least 1x year:
- Blood sample
PCR = virus test
ELISA = antibody test
The defined testing intervals and limits may differ from case to case.
Acute measures
If an acute PRRS infection is detected in the station, production is immediately shut down. Customers are informed without delay!
Contact Person

Dr. Sabine Brüning
- - veterinarian -
- 02593/913-0

Dr. Anja Riesenbeck
- - veterinarian -
- 02953/913-0