Semen production - from the boar to the tube
The picture series shows the production process from boar to tube. Hygiene is the top priority in all production processes. Disposable materials are used as a matter of principle.
The work processes and examination procedures in the stables and in the semen laboratories of the JRC are constantly being further developed.
The JRC has been working with the CASA eFlow System Androvision® from Minitüb since 2018. The CASA system enables an objective and more accurate quality assessment of the ejaculates. The mobility (motility) and the shape (morphology) of the sperm are assessed. Non-motile sperm and sperm with malformations are detected by the system.
With the CASA system, the sperm concentration in the ejaculate and the proportion of motile sperm can be determined precisely. With an additional module, the proportion of sperm with malformations (sperm with plasma drops or curled tails) can be determined almost as precisely as is otherwise only possible through time-consuming examinations and counting of a fixed sample.
Contact Person

Dr. Sabine Brüning
- - veterinarian -
- 02593/913-0

Dr. Anja Riesenbeck
- - veterinarian -
- 02953/913-0