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Quarantine system at GFS

The quarantine of the GFS boars before delivery until housing in a GFS boar station.

Delivery of boars

  • Only boars from controlled stocks with a minimum health status
  • Farm of origin free from pseudorabies, classical swine fever, brucellosis, atrophic rhinitis, PRRS (parent herd or rearing/satellite rearing)
  • Not vaccinated against PRRSV
  • Pre-examined for PRRS antibodies and virus (exceptions are possible, depending on the status and monitoring system of the farm of origin)

Quarantine barn: Blood sample 3-5 days

Blood sample 3 to 5 days after delivery of the last boar in quarantine with approval of the responsible authorities, pursuant to Annex B, Chapter I (1c) of Directive 90/429/EEC.

Examination for brucellosis, pseudorabies, classical swine fever, serology plus classical swine fever virology and PRRS ELISA and PCR according to the internal health concept.

Day 0 = day of diagnosis notification

The boar must wait until all findings are available: Only then does the 30-day quarantine start

30-day quarantine

Blood sample within the last 15 days of quarantine according to Annex B, Chapter I (1d) of Directive 90/429/EEC.

Test for: Brucellosis, pseudorabies plus pseudorabies serology, PRRS ELISA and PCR according to the internal health concept



Clinical monitoring and release of the boar for housing in the artificial insemination station

After the 30 days: Clinical monitoring and release of the boar for housing in the artificial insemination station.

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